why is the blog named overwhelmed?

Well, because life is overwhelming. Extremely overwhelming. We are overwhelmed with kids, spouses, jobs, social media, amazon prime day deals, everything. I am not saying the word, "overwhelmed" should always be seen in a negative context. I truly believe you can also be overwhelmed in the most magical ways by all the things I listed above and so many more. 

My husband and I were married on April 27th, 2013. Our first dance was to a song called, "overwhelmed" by Tim McMorris (surprise, surprise). I remember my husband hearing the song for the first time and telling me it completely described his feelings for me becoming his wife and knowing we will be spending our lives together (cue all the heart eye emojis). I looked up the lyrics and thought from that day forward my thoughts about life can be summed up with that one word, overwhelmed. Sometimes you can be overwhelmed in the worst ways but you can also be overwhelmed with happiness, love, and pure luck. 

Fast forward to February of 2015 and we were overwhelmed in the most wonderful way possible with the birth of our daughters, emmy and elle. They are the light of our lives and true miracles. I will be posting about their start to life and their angel sister soon but for those who might not know us, it was quite a rollercoaster. I was (and still am) amazed by how I felt every emotion so much more once I became a mother. Every cliche about becoming a parent is true. All parents want to protect their children and give them the world. I know this notion is true for my husband and I. Of course this feeling can be immense when you're just trying to do your best to raise decent little humans. 

emmy and elle are my true inspiration for this site. I have been thinking for a while now that I want to create a blog that is a safe space for me to write, recommend, list, and discuss a variety of topics. Most of these topics will be about parenting because you write about what you know and experience. Right? But I also want this blog to be a collaboration. Have an idea of a topic you want to see discussed? Great. Contact me and I would love to dive in because I want this space to be as much yours as it is mine. You want to contribute to this space? Even better. I want to see overwhelmed become much more than a blog but to become a community. I want to tackle hard subjects such as loss and love but I also want to discuss the little things such as the best type of sippy cup and toddler friendly recipes. Being a community means to also introduce you to local and small businesses that can make your life easier with their products and services. Since I am a sucker for alliteration I want to have themes such as teacher Tuesday, favorites Friday, bookworm Wednesday, small business Saturday, and so many more. There are many directions this blog can turn and I am still brainstorming each day what I want to do next. I am happy you are here for the ride that I hope will be beautiful but will definitely have some bumps in the road because that's life. Thank you for visiting and for the support of the launch of emmyandelle.com. 

I have posted the lyrics to our wedding song below in case I can save you from a google search. 


Tim McMorris

From the first time I saw you
I knew that you'd be mine
And from the first glance you gave
My world it slowed, you stopped the time

And in that moment I could see all of the things that we would be
You were the girl I was waiting for, that I would ask to marry me

Like the beauty of the sun you light my life so I can see
You make me laugh and show me how, just how good this life can be
And in our moments filled with joy, is where I live, where I am free
Lay in my arms, I'll hold you tight, just like you like, continually

And I am, over-whelmed, by you
Am, over come with joy
You've taken me higher, and shown me what love can do
Where would I go, or be, without you

There's something in your smile that gives me strength to carry on
And there something in your words that lingers even when you're gone
Oh I've dreamt, that a time like this would come, fulfill my life
Who could have known the one who'd bring it here would be my lovely wife

I could sing a thousand songs about you still that would not do
There's a million tiny things that make the things that you do, you
I wouldn't trade our time together, wouldn't trade for anything
Cause nothing else here in the world can bring the happiness you bring

And I am, over-whelmed, by you
Am, over come, with joy
You've, taken me higher, and shown me what love can do
Where would I go, or be, without you

{Dave, thank you for your support and encouragement to start this site. You and the girls are my world and I hope you can see some of these posts as my love letter to honor our life together.} 

Below are a few photos of my sweet family. 

June 2017

June 2017

May 2017

May 2017

father's day 2017

father's day 2017

September 2017

September 2017

September 2017

September 2017

Our sweet pup, Sadie. She is our original baby and loves emmy and elle more than belly rubs and treats. (photo by Ariana Clare)

Our sweet pup, Sadie. She is our original baby and loves emmy and elle more than belly rubs and treats. (photo by Ariana Clare)