Small Business Saturday Spotlight-Norwex

Stay-at-home/work-at-home women have a 54% higher chance of cancer death than women who work outside the home

During the summer I started to research different ways to clean my hardwood floors. I felt like I could never keep my dark hardwood floors clean. I was spending so much on various products and none were yielding the results I desired. I was reading an article posted by the Today Show about microfiber cloths and was shocked about how many people were commenting, "you need to try Norwex." "Norwex will be a game changer while cleaning." "I love my norwex mop and cloths." My eyes immediately narrowed in on the word, "mop." I remembered my friend, Heather Adams, became an independent consultant for Norwex in 2016 and I reached out to her in desperation about my floor woes.

Heather exceeded my expectations with customer service. She listened to my concerns, cleaning routine, and what I was hoping to achieve with new cleaning products. She sent me a plethora of valuable information about Norwex and their line of products.

While combing over the information I read a startling fact that has forever changed the way I will clean my home. "Stay-at-home/work-from-home women have a 54% higher risk of cancer death than women who work outside the home according to a 15 year study presented by the Toronto Indoor Air commission. Our homes are becoming more energy-efficient, which means while we're trapping energy in, we're also trapping in whatever cleaners we're using, giving them no way to de-gas and escape." 

I was shocked. I knew there are so many environmental factors we cannot control when it comes to raising our chances of developing cancer. Using "green" cleaning products was something I could immediately do to lower my chance and my families.

Heather explained to me how the Norwex mop system worked and how it came with a dry mop pad and a wet mop pad. The dry mop pad has completely eliminated my use of Swiffer products. I cannot tell you how much money I have sunk in Swiffer related products. They work great for about five minutes but they leave a residue so new dirt and grime can settle in quickly and make their home on my floors. I did not realize how much of a chemical build-up had occurred on my floors from using the Swiffer wet mops. It made me cringe to think these were the same floors my girls crawl and play on a daily basis. I am extremely happy with my Norwex mop system and contacted Heather once I realized it was the "real deal" and wanted to know about other products she sold.

Fast forward a week later and I received my "household bundle" which contains three items and two of those items are considered the backbone of the company. The EnviroCloth, Window Cloth, and dusting mitt. I was amazed how I cleaned my entire home with just the new cloths and water. Yes, you read that correctly. Just water. Heather calls it witchcraft and I believe her.

Not only did I believe her but my mom was amazed with the results when she came to visit us and ordered the same package. Even my 90-year-old grandmother who lived through World War II in Austria and is a skeptic about everything, ordered the EnviroCloth and window cloth to use at her own home. For the first time I felt safe for my girls to be around while I cleaned because I have eliminated the use of chemicals. Norwex even has a children's line, which I will be purchasing as holiday presents, so now emmy and elle can clean along with us without the fear of them being exposed to harmful irritants. 

I started telling all of my close friends and family about Norwex because I truly believe in the products. I want to learn about and try more Norwex products so Heather agreed to set up a group on Facebook where I, along with whoever wants to join us, can learn more about the mission of Norwex. The event will run from October 30th-November 6th. Each day Heather will explain various products and you can refer back to this group as a reference at any time. I also encourage you to reach out to Heather about any of your own cleaning concerns. She has been amazing to work with and I know that's not only because we are friends. I read the reviews of other customers on her personal Norwex Facebook group page and they are all outstanding.

I have to share one more story about Heather's character. I told Heather I had joined Usborne and Discovery Toys when we both attended a baby shower this summer. I was already working on developing my blog, which I knew I would want to gear towards parents. Heather was the one who encouraged me to use my product knowledge and background in education to actually inform and sell the products to others and not just use my status as a consultant for my own personal discount. She has opened up to me about what it's like being a consultant for a company like Norwex which in turn has helped me tremendously as I navigate through my first time experience with sales. Heather has been an amazing cheerleader as I launch my own business and I truly thank her for her friendship, advice, and introducing me to the world of Norwex. She has reached extreme success in her first year as a consultant.

I want to highlight Heather and Norwex to kick-off my Small Business Saturday Spotlight series. This series will be how I inform my readers about different businesses and products which will help with your everyday life. The products will range from educational, to new parent related, to even jewelry and everything in between. I want my blog to not only inform my readers but to empower small business owners and give them a platform to reach new customers and clients. Thank you for following along! Do you have any Norwex products you use and love? Please comment and let me know!

Here is the link to the Facebook group if you would like to request to join on your own. Please feel free to reach out to me and I can add you too.

Here is the link to Heather's Norwex shopping site where you can browse products that would best suit the needs of your own household.

I hope you join us next week to learn more about the world of Norwex! Heather is even going to do a giveaway of one of the best selling products. Exciting! :) 

Small Business Saturday Spotlight

Five Fast Facts about Heather Adams, Norwex Independent Consultant

1. Please tell us a little about your company.

Norwex’s mission is to radically reduce chemicals in the home. Essentially, you are cleaning with microfiber and water for a physical clean versus a “chemical” clean, removing 99% of germs and bacteria from a surface. In an effort to create safe havens in our homes, Norwex also produces very few consumable products which means less plastic. This is in an effort to reduce our carbon footprint and leave the planet a better place for generations to come. 

2. What inspired you to become an independent consultant for Norwex? 

To start with, the products simply work. They give me a better clean using less chemicals. A more efficient clean saves me time and money. The products absolutely blow my mind because they worked so well. I signed up to be a consultant on day three of having them in my home. I knew I would be telling everyone about Norwex, so it was a no-brainer to become a consultant so I could benefit from sharing the products. As a stay-at-home mom, I had a huge hole in my heart because I greatly missed teaching and having a career of my own. Norwex filled that hole. I am still able to “teach” others by educating them on the harmful effects of toxic conventional cleaners and about Norwex’s superior products. I needed to be more than just a wife and mom, I am whole again thanks to my side gig!

3. What advice can you give to other moms about motherhood and/or being a mom boss babe?

Everything is temporary. Whether you are watching your child take their first steps or that same child won’t sleep a wink. Times are tough, but times are also oh so good. And they are fleeting. Be present, whether it be good or bad. If it’s bad, know that it won’t last forever and if it’s good, soak it up. Because like I just said, it won’t last forever. Time is a thief, hug those littles tight and be their everything (while holding a glass of wine to ease the pain if need be).

On being a mom boss, don’t feel guilty! Many mamas feel guilty for leaving for an evening away to do a party for a hostess. Your partner may have to put the kids to bed, it might be more difficult for him/her because the kids only want mama. You are missing time with your family. But remember, that pain is temporary (see what I did there?) — remember you are also building a business, instilling work ethic in your children, and providing for your family!

4. What are some of your favorite items from Norwex? 

My favorite items are the backbone of the company — EnviroCloth and Window Cloth. A better clean with just cloth and water is mind blowing. I am still surprised of the capabilities after over a year in the business. Removing 99% of germs and bacteria plus streak-free windows, glass, mirrors, stainless...You just can't beat it! I also love the Cleaning Paste. The Cleaning Paste has saved my tail so many times. Removing rust from my stainless sink, burned on crud from my glass stove top, build up from my glass shower doors, black tire marks from my son’s suede sneakers, permanent marker from my wood floors. It’s a must have! Lastly, the Superior Mop system, I can do my floors in half the time due to the sheer size of this mop. Less time cleaning? Yes, please! It comes with a reusable + washable dry and wet pad, only uses water for a physical clean of your floors instead of using a toxic floor cleaner. This means no streaky or sticky floors since there’s are no cleaning agents left behind. That’s just the beginning, it’s so hard to choose favorites. 

5. Tell us about one of your favorite moments or memory of being a mother to your son? 

As a fellow NICU mama like Jessica, one of my favorite memories is bringing my son, Watson, home from the hospital after his 5 week stay. It was the hardest thing I’ve ever done in my life, leaving my baby after being discharged from our 4 day hospital stay (we stayed as long as insurance would cover since I had a c-section). Bringing him home forever was one of the best days of my life!